Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Simple Way to Double Your Referrals

If you've been in business for awhile you've probably heard of the "80/20 Rule."

The 80/20 Rule says that 80% of your results come from only 20% of your activities.

You can see the 80/20 Rule in action every where you look. Especially when it comes to referral marketing!

I'll almost bet you my next paycheck that 80% of the referrals you receive, come from only 20% (or less) of your clients.


So What Does This Mean to You?

It means that if you want to double your referrals, all you need to do is focus on the 20% of your customers that are bringing you the most referrals!

So let me ask you...

Do you have a list of all the people who have referred business to you in the past
12 months?

If you don't, then you need to create that list and keep it up to date.


This is Your "Platinum List"

You should be giving the people on your
Platinum List the red carpet treatment.

If you take care of the people on your
Platinum List, they will take care of YOU!

Here are some IDEAS for showing appreciation to your Platinum List customers....

Idea # 1

Send them a dinner certificate
from http://www.Restaurant.com

Idea # 2

Send them an appreciation card like the
one below using SendOutCards.com


(copy and paste the link the into your browser)

Idea # 3

Send them a Starbucks Coffee Card using


(copy and paste the link the into your browser)

Idea # 4

Send them a local movie theatre gift
certificate from http://www.GiftCertificates.com

Idea # 5

Send them a phone message telling them how much you appreciate them using...


These are just a few ideas of what you can do to double your referrals by nurturing your Platinum List.


Here's the Best and Easiest Way to...

...nurture your Platinum List.

You simply put your customers and clients on an automated "stay-in-touch" program using SendOutCards.com

It's the fastest, cheapest, easiest way to stay in touch over a long period of time with those "20%'ers" that bring you the majority of your referrals.

With SendOutCards.com you can create an
automated campaign that sends out stunning greeting cards that will always surprise and delight your customers and clients.

It's as easy as pushing a simple button.

Find out why thousands of small business owners around the nation are starting to use this nifty, time saving system every single day.

Go to http://www.SendOutCardsVideo.com
and watch a video of how this system
works right now.

And if you want to learn how to sign up
for SendOutCards.com, just go to

If you need a referral code use:15815

Take a free tour and send 2 cards free....I will pay. ( I know you will fall in love with the system if you get to try it free and there is no obligation)
Go to:


P.S. Have a great day!


John Riding
Send Out Cards ID Code: 15815

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