Saturday, November 22, 2008

Here's 5 Rules for Better Business Relationships

Rule # 1 - Remember the "small stuff" like birthdays, kid's names, anniversaries. The small stuff could be big stuff...when remembered.

Rule # 2 - Don't wait for relationships to happen. Seek out those you want to get to know and initiate the relationships yourself.

Rule # 3 - Create relationships with everyone and treat everyone as an important person. You never know who will lead you to the "big kahuna."

Rule # 4 - Do activities outside of work when possible.
That's where real friendships are made and long term relationships are born.

Rule # 5 - Always stay in touch with people. This is perhaps the most important rule of all. Perpetual communication is the bloodstream of relationships.

Rule #6...I know I said 5 so this is a bonus... Use social networking to keep in touch. Set Up a Facebook page. It's easy and a great way for people to follow what you are doing. Also Twitter is pretty cool for a quick update on you. Here are my links.
Facebook: just search my name "John Riding" Clovis, CA
Twitter: you can follow me at

Have a great Holiday!

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