Sunday, October 14, 2007

Giving to Give??? or to Get??? What's the diff?

Giving to give...means WHAT? It actually means that you are giving out of the goodness of your heart. No strings attached. Nothing expected in return. It's about you doing something out of appreciation for someone. But I want to talk about Giving to Get.
What we really should be about is ....GIVING... That's it... just giving... Give good service, give good advice, give good follow up, give respect. In fact replace the word good with GREAT and you will have a very successful career wherever you go! Make yourself so valuable to your company that they will beg you to stay because they can't see themselves without your great customer relationship skills. The "Getting" comes from the giving. People will be naturally attracted to you because you treat them right. Because you care. Because you step up and say..."You are important, How can I BE OF SERVICE TO YOU! That is what makes you attractive and makes them want to work with you and YES...even buy from you. They will also rave about you to their friends, neighbors and colleagues. Stop selling products...I learned this from my personal coach & mentor Dani Johnson. She works with people, training them how to be relational and how to genuinely care about the prospects they encounter. She says that "your product really isn't your product, Your product is people". Find their needs, goals and desires and then help them find the solution with what you have to offer. This is key to developing a relationship based clientèle. Giving to Get, Sowing and Reaping, Sales and closing. This is the new era in sales...which is really the old way of doing business...Trust based Marketing.

Never give up, Never Surrender.
John Riding

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