Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Deeper...Keith Ferrazzi on building deeper relationships

Keith is a master at building deeper relationships...

Find more videos like this on Greenlight Community

Here's 5 Rules for Better Business Relationships

Rule # 1 - Remember the "small stuff" like birthdays, kid's names, anniversaries. The small stuff could be big stuff...when remembered.

Rule # 2 - Don't wait for relationships to happen. Seek out those you want to get to know and initiate the relationships yourself.

Rule # 3 - Create relationships with everyone and treat everyone as an important person. You never know who will lead you to the "big kahuna."

Rule # 4 - Do activities outside of work when possible.
That's where real friendships are made and long term relationships are born.

Rule # 5 - Always stay in touch with people. This is perhaps the most important rule of all. Perpetual communication is the bloodstream of relationships.

Rule #6...I know I said 5 so this is a bonus... Use social networking to keep in touch. Set Up a Facebook page. It's easy and a great way for people to follow what you are doing. Also Twitter is pretty cool for a quick update on you. Here are my links.
Facebook: just search my name "John Riding" Clovis, CA
Twitter: you can follow me at

Have a great Holiday!

Friday, November 14, 2008

The "how we got here" mortgage blues

Just a quick diversion from the regular blogging. I thought this was a great (great means my simple mind can comprehend) explanation of the mortgage loan problem... enjoy...uh...well...learn!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The One True Secret to Referral Success!

Your success in your business life will depend largely on your network of people that know you.

It was once asked of President Bush Sr. what single factor he could attribute to him becoming president of the United States.

His response was that he had taken note of every one he ever met and made it a point to stay in touch with them over the years.

If you want to predict a person's future income, just look at the size of their rolodex!


And To Take that One Step Further...

It's not about who you know, or who knows you, it's more about how WELL they know you!

So basically, your success boils down to two simple success factors...

Success Factor # 1 -> The number of people who know you.

Success Factor # 2 -> How well each person knows you.

The bottom line is if you have a large amount of people who know you, like you, and trust you, you'll always have all the business you can handle.


Here's the Secret Key to Having It All...

The key to putting these success factors into action lies right in your rolodex and contact manager.

There are millions of dollars lying there in your contact manager and you probably don't even know it.

The secret to extracting that money and success from your rolodex and contact manager is to see it as a source for GIVING!

When you give, you'll always get.

Or as Zig Ziglar once said, "If you help enough people get what they want, you'll get everything you want."


Some Action Steps for Success.

Now that you understand the principles of success, I want to give you some very specific ACTION STEPS that you can immediately start using to attract success into your life.


Action Step # 1

Put one new quality person into your contact manager every day.

Make it a goal every day to meet one or two new quality people every single day and add them to your contact manager.


Action Step # 2

View your contact manager as an opportunity to give back.

Scan your contacts and ask yourself, "What can I do for someone today that will make the world a better place?"
Look at your contact manager as a resource not just for getting something, but for giving back

Here are some suggestions for using your contact manager to give back to people.

Suggestion -> Give a referral to someone.

Suggestion -> Send a "thank you" card.

Suggestion -> Send a "thinking of you" card.

Suggestion -> Send a "I'd like to get to know you
better" card.

Suggestion -> Send a compliment card.

Suggestion -> Make a phone call to "check in" with a

Suggestion -> Introduce a person in your network to
another person in your network who you
think ought to meet each other.

Suggestion -> Sponsor a networking luncheon with people
in your contact manager. Send them an
invitation card.

Suggestion -> Send an invitation to a person for an
early "coffee meeting" to see how you can
help that person.

The key is to add value to people in your contact manager without expecting anything in return.


Action Step # 3

Educate people about what you do.

Cold calling for new prospects is not necessary.
You'll have access to all the resources and new prospects you'll ever need simply using your contact manager.

Your objective is not to "sell" them, it's to get to know them better so that you can be a better resource for them.

Also, you want to "educate" them about what it is that you do and what a good referral looks like for you so when the time is right, they will be able to spot a good referral candidate for you.


Action Step # 4

Make notes in the notes section of each contact.

In your contact manager, you'll want to keep good notes about each person so that you can use that information to enhance your contact's lives.

Some of the notes that you'll want to write down are...

a. Important dates

b. Notes from past conversations.

c. Important people in their lives.

d. The date you met them.

e. What they like to do in their spare time.


4 Important Questions You Need to Ask Yourself...

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to improve the quality of the relationships with people in your network, and you don't know what to do, ask yourself these four important questions.

These questions will guide you as to what to specifically do to improve your relationship with them.

Here are the four questions...

Question # 1 - Do they know you?

Are there people in your contact manager that you've only met one time who probably don't know what you do?
Have you explained what it is you do to them?

Question # 2 - Do they trust you?

Would they call you for advice or for ideas? Do they consider you a valuable resource? What have you provided to them that would prove to them your value?

Question # 3 - Do they consider you a friend?

Let's face it, people love to do business with friends.
So as you go through your contact manager you should ask yourself, "What can I do to become better friends with that person?"

Question # 4 - Can they depend on you?

Do they know that you are rock solid and that you'll be there for them when they need your help?


The Big Mistake!

Too many people look at others as "people they need to sell" when they meet them, rather than NEW FRIENDS.

When you meet a person, your first inclination will be to see them as a sales opportunity. When you do that, you are basically treating them as an object.

Friends don't treat friends like objects!

Friends get to know each other. Friends build trust.
Friends do things for each other. Friends have fun together.

If your friendship does turn into a "sale," then it should only be one small step in a lifelong relationship with that person.


Summary: You Want to Focus on Five Things...

1. Adding people to your network every day.

2. Getting to know the people in your network

3. Making sure people in your network know you and what you do.

4. Adding value to your network each day.

5. Viewing your network as an opportunity to give, rather than to get.


One Final Thought...

Harvey McKay, the author of the bestselling book, "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" has said,

"If I were being mugged and I had to make a choice of giving up my wallet or my rolodex file, I would rather lose my wallet.

It would be scary, expensive, and a hassle to lose my wallet. But losing my rolodex would be devastating.

I can replace all my credit cards and I can live without a few dollars, but the information and contacts I've gathered over the years is irreplaceable."


A Simple Tool for Putting This Strategy Into Action...

Creating relationships is all about touching people's lives in a meaningful way - - on a consistent basis.

I've never seen a tool that does this better, faster, cheaper and easier than

SendOutCards allows you to...

1. Automate your relationship building efforts.

2. Keep track of birthdays and special occasions.

3. Act on your promptings to make someone feel special.

4. Create memorable cards that touch people's hearts.

5. Stay in touch for pennies a day!

Want to see how it works?

To watch a demo of the system, just go to...

(copy and paste the link into your browser)

After watching the video, if you have questions, feel free to email me at or give me a call. My number is 559-862-1221

Have a successful day!


P.S. If you're curious about the options for signing up with, you can watch a brief video that explains the different options. Just go to...

(copy and paste the link into your browser)


John Riding
Send Out Cards ID Code: 15815

Call me at 559-862-1221
or email me at
Watch the 11 minute movie at: