Saturday, February 23, 2008

From the Heart!

I know this is a blog about marketing and I hope to tie it all together in the end so please bear with my story.
Recently I was thinking about a man who played a significant role in my life. My father died from lymphoma when I was 20 years old. At that time the world seems so scary and unsure. Even though I was a young adult just finding my way I wondered who was going to show me how to be "a man". I had become a Christian about 2 years earlier and was growing in my faith...then blam ...I lose a man that was my idol, my hero and my best friend. Shaken, rattled and in a fog I was lost. But God...being who he is, was not surprised by this tragedy in my life. Even though I didn't understand, He took care of me. Coincidentally (yeah sure) I started attending a church in our town that my friends were going to. I joined the college group that was led by a man named Tim Kahn. Tim is a very successful business owner and entrepreneur. Tim and his family really adopted me as a son. Over the next 20+ years I have learned so much about God, integrity, trust, unconditional love, honor and character that I carried into business and personally from this man. God has indeed provided all my needs. Maybe not in the way that I would have chosen, but He is God and He knows better than me what I need.
I sent a greeting card to Tim the other day. It was just a simple note to express how grateful I was to have been the adopted son. It wasn't long or profound but it was heartfelt and expressed my thoughts. As you spend quality time around those you love and care about. As you build relationships with people around you both professionally and personally and as you work hard to provide the lifestyle that you desire for your family, don't forget to express true heartfelt gratitude, appreciation and love to those who have been significant in your life. Start today! None of us knows the hour that we are going to be taken out of this world. I never got to say the things I should have to my real dad, but I will not let another day pass without making sure the people in my life now know how I feel about them. Tim wrote back and said this... "I have been proud to have you as an "adopted" son over all these years...God always shows up to help us through our trials and lifts us to joys we never anticipated. You are certainly one of those joys. God Bless, Tim."
My professional advice for today is this... Forget marketing for the moment. If this post has caused you to think of someone who needs to hear from you ... then go now and do something about it. It may be hard or out of character for what! Get over it. You will be eternally grateful that you did.
I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment.

John Riding aka JRsuperstar